:mod:`macholib.MachO` --- Utilities for reading and writing Mach-O headers ========================================================================== .. module:: macholib.MachO :synopsis: Utilities for reading and writing Mach-O headers This module defines a class :class:`Macho`, which enables reading and writing the Mach-O header of an executable file or dynamic library on MacOS X. .. function:: lc_str_value(offset, cmd_info) Returns the bytes for an ``lc_str`` value, given the *offset* of type ``lc_str`` and the ``cmd_info`` that contains the structure that contains the ``lc_str`` value. ``cmd_info`` is and item in the ``commands`` attribute of a MachOHeader instance. .. class:: MachO(filename, allow_unknown_load_commands=False) Creates a MachO object by reading the Mach-O headers from *filename*. The *filename* should refer to an existing file in Mach-O format, and can refer to fat (universal) binaries. When *allow_unknown_load_commands* is false the instance will raise an error when the specified file contains unknown load commands. .. versionchanged: 1.16 Added the *allow_unknown_load_commands* argument. .. note:: more information will be added later